Jessica Land

Disabilities Officer


beth wood



Hi, I’m Beth, and I am the disabilities officer here at Chichester. I grew up just on the edge of the New Forest, which is about an hour along the south coast from Chichester uni. As a student living with invisible disabilities, I would love to see a more accessible Chichester that can accommodate your needs. 

I love to spend my time writing and reading (I’m really into crime fiction at the moment), as I’ve always had a passion for writing, although as much as I’d love to publish a book, my attention span can only seem to manage poetry for the time being! Another thing I love to do is learn languages- I speak a decent amount of French and a little Spanish, but I also use Duolingo for languages like Russian and Japanese…and at times, just about every language course they offer! 


My manifesto points:

  • Allow online attendance and digital registration for lectures

  • Make WSIHE more accessible/ have SU nights that are sensory friendly and less overwhelming, so that neurodivergent students can still enjoy an on campus night out

  • Make it more common for lectures to be recorded/ transcribed

  • Possibly change the formatting of some Moodle pages to make course materials easier to access


My role and responsibilities 

  • represents views and interests of disabled students on student council and to the university
  • holds the union officer team and trustee's to account on issues of concern to disabled students
  • attends nus events on behalf of the union related to disabled students 


My course:

I’m currently in my second year here at Chichester, studying English and Creative writing.


Clubs and societies:

In my first year, I was part of the ADHD group, the CU and the Shakespeare society, all of which were great fun, and good opportunities to meet like minded people from different courses, so I’m looking forward to exploring more societies in my second year!


What I’m looking forward to:

Helping other disabled students to make the most out of their university experience, and to enjoy it and achieve their full potential, as easily as everyone else!