Terms and Conditions (Advertising)


Advertising & Promotional Terms and Conditions


Health & Safety






Printed Advertising


1.            Definitions

1.1 The Union will refer to The University of Chichester Students’ Union (UCSU) as controllers of advertising, promotion and publicity within the Students’ Union buildings, The University Estate, content controllers of any websites owned and operated by The Union, and all other promotion and publicity material and events as negotiated with the advertiser/promoter. 

1.2 The advertiser/promoter/organisation/stallholders will refer to the company or agency whose goods or services are promoted or their duly appointed agents, whichever is the principal. 

1.3 Organisations will name an authorised representative, nominated via being named on the booking form, who is responsible for the booking and agreeing to/understanding the following terms and conditions. 

1.4 The Booking form will refer to the online form that is available at: https://www.ucsu.org/your-union/contact-us/advertise/bookingform/  

1.5 The Media Pack, available at https://www.ucsu.org/your-union/contact-us/advertise/mediapack/  specifies artwork requirements, technical specifications, booking deadlines, rates excluding VAT and any other additional information required by the advertiser/promoter. 


2.             Union Statement

2.1 Upon signing, and or agreeing to this document by an authorised representative, these terms and conditions will supersede any other terms and conditions, signed or agreed, before the time of signing, and or agreeing to this document.


3.             Fairs & Promotional Stalls

3.1             General

3.1.1 The company or organisation booking the stall (the stallholder) shall name, in writing, an individual who shall be responsible for the stall under these terms and conditions. 

3.1.2 A stall refers to a booked space being made available on either University campus (Chichester (BOC) or Bognor Regis (BRC) or for a stall in the Students’ Union on an agreed date(s). 

3.1.3 The Union reserves the right to refuse admission to the University Estate or Students’ Union to any stallholders who fail to abide by these terms and conditions, or to take action to ensure compliance. 

3.1.4 All confirmed bookings will receive confirmation and additional information in due course prior to the event. 

3.1.5 All reservations are made subject to The Universities’ Equality and Diversity Documentation being observed. This is available to view at: https://www.chi.ac.uk/about-us/policies-and-statements/inclusivity-equality-and-diversity/  

3.1.6 Unless otherwise agreed in writing, full payment must be made at least 7 days prior to the commencement of the event and stallholders must ensure that any outstanding debts owed to The Union from previous business are cleared. If payment is not received 7 days prior to the date of any planned activity, The Union reserves the right to cancel any booking made. The Union will not accept responsibility for any costs borne by any company or organisation who has failed to meet the payment deadline. 

3.1.7 Stalls may not be sublet unless previously agreed in writing with the Student Experience and Activities team. Organisations may only advertise their own products or services. The Student Experience and Activities team must be informed, in writing, if the organisation wishes to promote the interests of another company on their own stall. Permission, if granted, will be given in writing and must be displayed on the stall. Stall holders should note that Union policy may bar the use of certain products and they are asked to always abide by such decisions. Any breach of the agreed promotion may result in the immediate cancellation of a stall without refund. 

3.1.8 All stalls are taken at the risk of the stallholder who also has a duty to respect the safety of others within the vicinity. Further information on health and safety are outlined below. 

3.1.9 Stalls are not transferable. The content of a stall must not be substantially different to that indicated by the name of the stall on the original booking request form. 

3.1.10 The stallholder agrees to indemnify The Union against any damage to University of Chichester’s property or the property of third parties. 

3.1.11 Stallholders will ‘normally’ be granted access to set up from 8:00am and shall be allowed to remain there until 5.00pm on each day a stall is booked, unless specific arrangements to the contrary are agreed beforehand in writing with the Union’s Student Experience and Activities team. 

3.1.12 Times for Freshers and Refreshers Fairs will be published a minimum of one week before the events. All stallholders will be expected to keep their stand in place and manned from the beginning of the day to 2.30pm at the earliest. 

3.1.13 For all events, stalls will be allocated in advance and any consideration on stall location shall be viewed based on the type of stall booked and the time of booking. All stalls provide excellent marketing opportunities and a stall location shall not be cause for cancellation (information on cancellation is listed in 1.4). 

3.1.14 The stallholder will comply with all applicable Union or University of Chichester policies (including, without limitation, policies on Health and Safety, Fire Safety, Estate Management, Marketing and Equality and Diversity, all available on request). 


3.2             Health & Safety

3.2.1 In line with Health and Safety Regulations, the Union’s and or the Universities’ Health and Safety Officer, prior to the exhibition/display area being made accessible to delegates and the general public, may carry out a Safety Inspection. In order to facilitate the carrying out of any Safety Inspection, stalls should be completed in good time prior to the opening of the event. 

3.2.2 The stallholder must not obstruct access to fire exits or fire fighting equipment. 

3.2.3 The stallholder must not endanger the safety of Union staff, University of Chichester staff, students or any other person(s). 

3.2.4 The stallholder must comply with any Health & Safety instruction issued by the Union or University of Chichester staff. 

3.2.5 The stallholder must not move the stall from the designated space provided. 

3.2.6 Stallholders wishing to bring electrical equipment on site must ensure that each piece of equipment has been tested for safety by a qualified electrician prior to operating the said equipment. 

3.2.7 The Union and The University of Chichester reserve the right to have any electrical equipment, brought on site by third parties, tested for safety by a qualified electrician before said equipment can be operated. Any costs associated with such tests are to be met by the stallholder. 

3.2.8 Risk Assessment forms when supplied must be completed and returned prior to the beginning of an event. Should such a form not be received prior to the beginning of an event, any stall holder may be prevented from setting up until such time as an assessment has been completed. 

3.2.9 All accidents that cause injury and all ‘near misses’ must be reported to The Union, Accident Report/Near Miss forms must be completed (supplied by The Union). 

3.2.10 All organisation will be issued with ‘Contractors Health & Safety Pocket Card’, all pointed raised must be read and understood by all stallholders. 

3.2.11 The stallholder shall ensure that it has in place appropriate insurance to cover its staff, property and use of the stall, to include at a minimum employers’ liability and public liability insurance in appropriate amounts. Proof of insurance shall be provided on demand to the Union. 

3.2.12 UCSU’s liability to the stallholder under this contract, other than for death, personal injury or fraud, or any other liability, which cannot legally be excluded, shall be limited to the amount paid by the stallholder to UCSU. 


3.3             Conduct

3.3.1 Stallholders are only permitted to flyer in the vicinity of the event taking place. 

3.3.2 Stallholders must not attempt to solicit custom or in any way promote their organisation in any part of the University/Union or attached land other than from the stall to which they have been allocated. 

3.3.3 The distribution of alcohol in any form is not permitted unless agreed beforehand in writing with the Union’s Student Experience and Activities team. 

3.3.4 Stallholders are responsible for the decoration and promotional material on their own stall and under no circumstances should stalls be moved from their assigned location. 

3.3.5(a) Stallholders are responsible for clearing up their stall, the removal of all cardboard and all rubbish in, on, or around it. 

3.3.5(b) The Union reserves the right to dispose of any material left on site by the stallholder following the end of the event. 

3.3.6 No stallholder may interfere with the structure or fabric of the Students’ Union building, temporary structures or any other area/building on the University Estate. 

3.3.7 Stallholder's posters must not cover any Union posters or displays or in any way interfere with emergency exit or any other emergency signage. Unauthorised posters or advertising will be removed. 

3.3.8 Stallholders may play music on their stall if prior permission is granted by the Union’s Student Experience and Activities team. 

3.3.9 Stallholders must ensure that music or any other noise emanating from their stand is played at a reasonable level and does not cause annoyance to other stallholders and surrounding areas. If asked by the Union’s Student Experience and Activities team, a member of the Union or University staff to turn the music level down, the stallholder must comply immediately. 

3.3.10 Stallholders must keep their stalls, displays and activities within the space allocated to their stalls. 

3.3.11 Stallholders must behave in a considerate and responsible manner, at all times, towards Union & University staff, members of the public and other stallholders. Failure to do so may result in expulsion from the premises. This extends to all persons acting on behalf of stallholders. 


3.4             Cancellation

3.4.1 All cancellations must be made in writing and be received by The Union at least 7 days prior to an event/planned activity. Any correspondence should be addressed to the Union’s Student Experience and Activities team. 

3.4.2 Should a cancellation be received after the deadline, The Union reserves the right to charge a late cancellation fee, which shall be 100% of the original cost. 

3.4.3 If no cancellation is made, or if the cancellation is received after commencement of the event, The Union reserves the right to charge the client the full cost of hiring the stall, plus an additional administration charge of 25% of the original cost. 

3.5             Parking

3.5.1 The University of Chichester operates a permit/pay and display system for parking on the campus. Those coming to the campus by private vehicle should enter via the main entrance and follow directions to the car parks. The disabled spaces are only to be used by those with the appropriate permit. Please familiarise yourself with the Universities parking regulations can be viewed at: https://d3mcbia3evjswv.cloudfront.net/files/Car%20Parking%20Regulations%20v12.pdf 

3.5.2 Each stallholder will be issued with one car parking permit, upon request from the Union’s Student Experience and Activities team, additional permits can be requested however there is no guarantee. 

3.5.3 During busy periods, including all Fairs, it will not be possible to use the access road to the rear of the Students’ Union building.  

3.5.4 Additional access requirements must be put in writing to the Unions’ Student Experience and Activities team.   

3.5.5 The Union accepts no responsibility for any unauthorised parking or for any subsequent action taken by the University as a result. 


3.6             Other

3.6.1 Stallholders will not be granted access to electric power unless these facilities have been requested in advance and their provision confirmed in writing by the Union’s Student Experience and Activities team. 

3.6.2 Stallholders who fail to return any items provided by The Union will be charged for a replacement as new, as well as an administration charge of £50 for each item not returned. 

3.6.3 The sale of food, drink, candles and oils is strictly prohibited. 

3.6.4 The Union reserves the right to use photographic images and/or the clients name for promotional purposes within Union Media or marketing publications. 

3.6.5 All mailings will need to be sent to The Union Building, Chichester unless stated by the Union’s Student Experience and Activities team. 


4.             General Promotion & Media Advertising

4.1             General

4.1.1 All advertisements or other publicity as detailed must be ordered in writing or via the online booking form. 

4.1.2 The placement of an order does not convey the right of the advertiser/promoter to renew on similar terms. 

4.1.3 Acceptance of all advertising and publicity is subject to availability and suitability. 

4.1.4 All advertisements and promotions must comply with the British Code of Advertising Practice, the Trade Descriptions Act and any other such Acts or regulations which may from time to time be in force to ensure advertising standards. 

4.1.5 Any publicity or advertising submitted to the Union must not contain any defamatory, fraudulent, misleading or false statements. 

4.1.6 The advertiser/promoter warrants that any material included in their advertisement or publicity does not infringe or prejudice the moral rights, intellectual property or copyright of any third party. 

4.1.7 The Union reserves the right, in their absolute discretion, to refuse to publish any advertisement or to have any publicity in or associated with the Union which they think might infringe the rights of any third party or which might be likely to bring the University of Chichester or the Union into disrepute. 

4.1.8 No marketing material of any kind should suggest that it is endorsed by The University of Chichester Students’ Union without prior written consent from the Union’s Student Experience and Activities team. This includes the use of photographic images of any areas controlled or events organised by the Union. 

4.1.9 In addition, the Union has the right to refuse any advertising which it feels is against Union policy or in certain circumstances, any promotion which relates to any organisation which may be in direct competition with any of the services offered by the Union. 

4.1.10 The distribution of leaflets, flyers, magazines, posters or any other material undertaken by the Union will take place only within areas in which the Union is authorised to do so. 

4.1.11 In respect of any website advertising, any websites that appear through a linked advert on any websites owned and operated by the Union shall remain the concern of the advertiser/promoter. The Union will not be held responsible for the maintenance, content and technical upkeep of any such linked websites. By agreeing to host advertising on its web platforms does not grant advertisers the authority to demonstrate direct or tacit support of the Union for their products/services. As with all publicity, any direct links must not include any promotional material, which would contradict any or all of points as detailed above. 

4.1.12 In certain circumstances The Union can design artwork on behalf of the advertiser/promoter – please contact us for more details. All artwork designed by the Union will remain the property of the Union unless express permission for the use of such material has been granted, in writing, to the advertiser/promoter via the Union’s Student Experience and Activities team. The Union will charge for the design of any artwork produced for, or on behalf of, the advertiser/promoter depending on the type of artwork/amount of work involved. Please contact the Union’s Student Experience and Activities team for the current hourly rate applicable. 


4.2             Printed Advertising

4.2.1 It shall be the responsibility of the promoter/advertiser to ensure all advertising copy is delivered to the Union in accordance with the dates and procedures set out in the Media Pack or as agreed in writing by Union’s Student Experience and Activities team. The Union reserves the right to refuse to accept any advertising copy that misses the delivery deadline. 

4.2.2 All advertisements must conform to The Union’s requirements set out in the Price List. If the advertisements do not thus conform, The Union reserves the right to amend advertisements to make them conform to the specification and to charge the advertiser/promoter for any additional work this may entail. 

4.2.3 All artwork, films, colour separations, photographs and disks or other material supplied by the advertiser/promoter to The Union cannot be returned unless The Union is provided with self-addressed paid postage packaging to return said materials. The Union do not keep ads from previous years. 

4.2.4 Cancellations for any advertisements will only be accepted up until 7 days prior to the booking acceptance deadline as detailed on the Price List. 

4.2.5 If an advertiser/promoter books an advertisement, fails to cancel with adequate notice as set out above, and fails to supply an advertisement/copy by the deadline. The Union will charge the promoter/advertiser the full rate for the space booked plus any consequential expenses The Union may incur as a result of the failure to supply the advertisement. 

4.2.6 The Union reserves the right to sell booked advertising space to another company, should the original promoter/advertiser fail to cancel with adequate notice as set out above, or supply any required advertisement/copy by the deadline. 


5.             Payment – applicable to all activity

5.1 All quoted prices are excluding VAT, which is applicable to all promotional activity at the prevailing rate. 

5.2 All bookings are subject to availability and acceptance of the Union’s Terms & Conditions. 

5.3 Unless specified otherwise, details of payment requirements are specific to each promotional activity, form of media, pre-negotiated contract or publicity contract. Any advertiser/promoter wishing to undertake any of the opportunities made available by the Union, must sign an official Booking Form. 

5.4 If the advertiser/promoter is uncertain of any part of these Terms and Conditions they must contact The Union before signing or agreeing to any contract or booking form, as The Union must accept these as binding contracts. 

5.5 Formal invoices will be issued as soon as is appropriate to each form of promotion and payment must be received in full prior to any marketing taking place, irrelevant to terms stated on the invoice. 

5.6 All payments must be made via BACS or Bank Transfer unless written consent is gained, in writing, from the Union’s Student Experience and Activities team. 

5.6 No booking will be accepted or marketing opportunity undertaken until a completed and signed or agreed to, via Booking Form, is returned to the Union’s Student Experience and Activities team. 

5.7 Any unauthorised promotion by any of the formats outlined above or otherwise will result in such parties being immediately removed from The Union or University of Chichester Estate. 


For clarification of any part of The Union’s Term & Conditions or if you would like further information regarding any aspect of The Union’s Marketing Opportunities, please contact: Student Experience and Activities team, The University of Chichester Students’ Union, University of Chichester, College Lane, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 6PE.